Well , that was different, wasn’t it? Repeat after me – yes it was.
The emphasis in the first season, for me, always came back to the crew, and the
relationship between all of them. By the time of Planet of Giants they were
working together as never before, and had become a really tight little unit.
Then the Doctor locked Susan out at the end of The Dalek Invasion of Earth, and
it was never going to be the same again. It’s been a season of flux. Vicki was
actually a good addition to the crew, and allowed , at least in her first
couple of stories, to do quite a bit more than Susan ever was. But then seeing
off Ian and Barbara at the end of the Chase. That for me symbolized that the
Doctor is now undoubtedly the hero of his own show. Yes, Steven will
undoubtedly do some of the physical stuff that Ian did, but I can’t see that
any companion will ever be the focus of identification for the viewers in the
way that the two teachers were for the first season.
I think that there’s been another change as well. In the first
season, I think you can argue that the Travellers only really make any
difference to the places and people they encounter in The Daleks – The Keys of
Marinus and The Sensorites. In fact, the most notably sci fi of the stories.
That’s only 3 out of 8 stories. There are 9 stories in the second season, and
of these you can argue that they have an effect in “The Dalek Invasion of
Earth” - “The Romans” – giving Nero the idea of burning Rome - The Web Planet – The Space Museum – The Chase
and The Time Meddler. Now ok – in the Time Meddler the Doctor is only acting to
preserve the status quo. But there’s another interesting thing – the Time
Meddler seems to provide some proof that you actually can change time. That’s a
big change too.
But it was a lot of fun wasn’t it? Accuse me of watching through
rose tinted spectacles if you like, but there was something to enjoy about each
of the 9 stories this season delivered- even if there wasn’t that much you
could say that of in The Web Planet. It was a season where the production
team(s) continued to experiment – most noticeable for my money in Planet of
Giants and The Web Planet.
Mighty 200 Ratings
The Dalek Invasion of Earth – 44
The Time Meddler – 75
The Romans – 97
The Crusade - 100
The Rescue – 127
The Chase – 157
Planet of Giants – 163
The Web Planet – 178
The Space Museum – 190
Now my rating
The Dalek Invasion of Earth
Planet of Giants
The Time Meddler
The Crusade
The Romans
The Space Museum
The Chase
The Web Planet
The Rescue
The most obvious differences between my list and the mighty 200
rating is that I put Planet of Giants so high. But I honestly thought it was
very good indeed – miles better than what I’d heard said, and what I’d read
about it in the past. The Rescue, on the other hand, is the bottom of my list,
because, well, I’m sorry, but it’s just so bland. The only thing that really
saves it at all is Maureen O’Brien’s performance as Vicky – she’s foregrounded
n this story and she makes the most of it. As regards The Web Planet – well, I
have such mixed feelings about it that if I did the list again tomorrow, I
might put it quite a bit higher. Nah, scratch that. I wouldn’t.
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